This is a man who has all the intestinal fortitude of a half-inflated leather sack with a couple of googly-eyes glued on. Unable to indulge his penchant for chanting and adoring crowds, all he can do is star as the antagonist of the world-worst whack-a-mole game. A degenerate carnival where the rich make the poor dance on hot iron plates. Essential workers to the front. Defund the WHO. Normalcy be damned!
Ahh, but those protesters. The Isolation finally got to you, eh Cletus? Bunker life got you down? You go four(ish) weeks without a haircut or the ability to go out and socialize, and you're grabbing your rifle and taking to the streets screaming about your rights?
Your rights don't end where my fear begins? Ho-ho. You poor, spoiled manbaby. Calling upon recourse to your rights is a weak reed. It means, simply, that we cannot stop you from doing a thing. It is a defense of the indefensible. A ceding of the moral high ground and an embrace of the indulgent, atavistic freakout that you so deeply desire. You have the right to speech and assembly, and you're a dangerous asshole for exercising it.
But, really, wasn't this what your gun-toting prepper-types have been waiting for? A societal shutdown that allows you to demonstrate your rugged individualism is just what you wanted, right Luther? You've been hoarding food and ammo for just this opportunity, but can't even make it a month before demanding your social safety net be restored. A thirteen-year-old girl hid from the Nazis for two years. Albert Woodfox did 43 years in solitary. You can't even make it a month.
I guess nobody told you that the Apocalypse was boring as hell, eh? There aren't hordes of
Boredom is a hell of a drug, friends.